Computational Action Potential Models

Jacques.Brisson at HEC.CA Jacques.Brisson at HEC.CA
Thu Jun 30 21:11:04 EST 1994

>I am looking for computer models of nerve action potentials.  I have
>a project in mind and would like to obtain examples of the
>programming used to generate an action potential simulation.  I would
>be interested in programs which run on a mac, pc, or vax with a
>preference for Basic or Fortran.  I'm sure they exist I just cannot
>find them.
>Thanks in advance
You might want to take a look in Ronald J. MacGregor's books. I think his
stuff was written in Fortran. The books are :
	- Neural and Brain Modeling, Academic Press 1987
	- Theoritical Mechanics of Biological Neural Networks, Academic
	  Press 1993

You might also want to take a look at Genesis (developped by Bower, Wilson
et al, at Caltech) even if the simulator is written in C.

Have fun,
| JACQUES BRISSON              Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC)  |
|                              5255 Decelles (QM3333-S610)                 |
| Jacques.Brisson at hec.ca       Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, H3T 1V6           |
| ...for the first time, it seems there may be hope of putting the slice   |
| back in the brain, not by the art of transplantation, but by the art of  |
| of computation.                                                          |
|                 B.L. Mc Naughton                                         |

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