Symposium "Frontiers in Biosensorics" Potsdam, Germany Sep 15-16, 1994

Andreas Bohlen bohlen at mail.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de
Tue Jun 28 10:09:15 EST 1994

                      *** Second Announcement  ***

With the symposium "Frontiers in Biosensorics" a technologically important 
sphere of the future shall be put in the centre of interest, which is of 
great scientific and economic interest. Beside scientists and applicators 
from research and industry and representatives from the proper 
authorities, target audience of that event will especially be potential 
producers. Parallel with the symposium there will be the chance for 
scientists and industrial enterprises to present their projects and main 
fields of research and production in order to gain partners for common
future projects. Thus the Symposium will be a forum for all people 
interested in biosensorics in general and especially in contacts with 
potential partners in that field.

Another target group of the event are the scientists of different 
disciplines like e.g. immunochemistry, material research or physical 
technologies, which can contribute to the further development of biosensors 
by new results in basic research. In addition, students and young 
scientists of those fields, who will influence the development of that 
important technologically relevant sphere are invited to that symposium.

In two "blocks" the following subjects will be dealt with in special 

      o New biological identification systems for biosensors
      o Modified sensor surfaces and new analytical systems

After the lectures the participants of the symposium can discuss the 
subjects with the speakers.

During the coffee breaks there will an opportunity to have a look at the 
information stands, at which scientists and industrial enterprises will 
present their projects and research results. It is planned to invite 
especially technologically relevant industrial enterprises and thus to
establish an open forum between science and economy in order to promote the 
research and technology transfer in the Land of Brandenburg and over and 
above that.

The special lectures will be read by well-known speakers from science and 
economy not only from Germany but also from abroad. They guarantee that 
the symposium will be of a high quality. Parallel with that, an exhibition 
under the headline "Commercial Biosensors", with a main emphasis on 
East-German firms will show appliances, which are already available at the 

>From the list of lectures:

PD Dr. Hummel, Duesseldorf     - New enzymes
Prof. Dr. Erdmann, FU Berlin   - RNA as substrate and enzyme, "ribozymes" 
                                 and biosensors
Dr. Warsinke, Potsdam          - Genetically and biotechnologically 
                                 produced fragments of anti-bodies
Prof. Dr. Hansen, TU Berlin    - New biosensors for environmental analytics
Prof. Dr. Brehmer, Potsdam     - Thin organic layers, polymers and layer
Prof. Dr. Spener, ICB Muenster - Binding protein - anti-body - 
                                 identification systems
Prof. Dr. Wulff, Duesseldorf   - Chiral holes in netted polymers...
Dr. Urban, Wien                - Sensor surfaces for in vivo-applications
Dr. Menz, Ciba Basel           - Miniaturised analytical systems ...
Dr. Voelker, BAYER AG Uerdingen- Ultra-thin polymer layers 
Dr. Hintsche, FhG Berlin       - Micro-biosensors
Frau Dr. Dumschat, ICB Muenster- Chip-biosensors
Prof. Meyerhoff, DIFE Bergholz-Rehbruecke- 
                                 Ionic channals und binding proteins 
Prof. Schultze, Duesseldorf    - Electropolymers for biosensors...
Dr. Henco, Diagen Duesseldorf  - Single molecule analytics

Prof. Dr. Frieder Scheller, Universitaet Potsdam
Frau Dr. Jutta Fedrowitz, Wissenschaftszentrum NRW, Duesseldorf

Dr. Andreas Bohlen, Potsdamer Informations- und Technologie-Transfer (PITT)

The lectures take place at the University of Potsdam (Land of Brandenburg, 
near Berlin) on September 15, 1994 from 10 am to 5 pm and on September 16, 
1994 from 9 am to 4 pm.

The participation fee isDM 110,- (DM 55,- for students).
Included in that fee are lunch on both days, a reception of the 
participants on Thursday night (Sep 15, 1994), the coffee during the breaks 
and the conference documents.

The registration forms will be sent to you on request. Therefore it is only 
necessary to send a short email with the help of the "form" below to one of 
the following addresses:                  

                   bohlen at hp.rz.uni-potsdam.de    (Dr. Bohlen)
                    bohlen at uni-duesseldorf.de     (Dr. Bohlen)

The deadline for your registration is August 31, 1994. Thank you very much in 
advance for your interest.

With kind regards,

Andreas Bohlen

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-MAIL-ANSWER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 

Please send me the registration form for the symposium
"Frontiers in Biosensorics" , which will take place in Potsdam, Germany 
from September 15-16, 1994.

Name:           ...........................
Surname:        ...........................
Academic title: ...........................
Institution:    ...........................
Address:        ...........................
Phone No.:      ...........................
Fax No.:        ...........................
E-Mail        ...........................

[ ]  I would like to participate in the symposium. 
[ ]  I would like to exhibit 
     [ ] a poster
     [ ] an appliance
     under the headline: ................................
[ ]  Regrettably I cannot take part in the symposium but I would like to
     to receive some more information about:
     [ ] the University of Potsdam
     [ ] Biosensorics at the University of Potsdam
     [ ] the Department of Information and Technology Transfer (PITT) of the
         University of Potsdam

Please send an extra email for each participant.

*         Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf            *
*           Forschungs- und Technologie-Transfer             *
*                   Dr. Andreas Bohlen                       *
*  Universitaetsstr. 1, Gebaeude 16.11, D-40225 Duesseldorf  *
*     Tel. (0211) 3 11-23 09        Fax  (0211) 34 22 29     *
*            E-Mail bohlen at uni-duesseldorf.de                *
*                  Universitaet Potsdam                      *
*  Potsdamer Informations- und Technologie-Transfer (PITT)   *
*                   Dr. Andreas Bohlen                       *
*           Am Neuen Palais 10, D-14469 Potsdam              *
*     Tel. (0331) 977-1119          Fax (0331) 9 77-11 43    *
*            E-Mail bohlen at hp.rz.uni-potsdam.de              *
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