I need to find others who are interested in helping the physically
chanllenged. I used to be a volunteer to help out a lady who had Lou
Gherigg's disease. When I met her, she was restricted to a bed using a
simple binary switch to communicate with her computer. Later on she even
had problem using the switch. I got married and had my own family illness,
and lost track of her. I recently talked my managers at NASA about
designing freindlier computer interfaces for the physically challenged, and
they are very interested in the project. I am thinking maybe EMG, EOG, or
possiblly EEG can be used. First of all, I would need to find out what are
currently available in the area of computer interface for people who may
not be able to use a keyboard. Also, I would be interested in hearing from
those of you who may be interested in the project. Let me know. Jonn Kim,