teaching software

Ulrike Holzer-Petsche ulrike.holzer at kfunigraz.ac.at
Tue Jun 28 12:29:37 EST 1994

In article <2ul57q$6d7 at styx.uwa.edu.au> jeff at psy.uwa.edu.au (Geoff Hammond) writes:
>From: jeff at psy.uwa.edu.au (Geoff Hammond)
>Subject: teaching software
>Date: 27 Jun 1994 00:07:22 GMT

>I'm looking for software (to run on PCs or Macs) to help teach some
>basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology to undergraduates.

There is a number of teaching software available from Sheffield BioScience 
Programs, UK. Their physiology software is quite good. For further 
information contact Dr. David Dewhurst, 11 Robinson Drive, The Park, Pannal 
Ash, Harrogate HG2 9DJ, UK. Phone: (0423) 520495. 

I hope the address is still correct, my latest information dates from 1991. 
Otherwise your national Society of Physiology should also have some 

Ulrike Holzer-Petsche, M.D., Dept. Exp. & Clin. Pharmacology, Karl-Franzens-University, A-8010 Graz, Austria
FAX: (+43 316) 380-4323; e-mail: ulrike.holzer at kfunigraz.ac.at

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