Bradykinin blockers in clinic ??

Ulrike Holzer-Petsche ulrike.holzer at kfunigraz.ac.at
Mon Jun 27 13:09:19 EST 1994

In article <2tv2fd$q3 at alpha.epas.utoronto.ca> milton at spine.med.utoronto.ca (Milton Charlton) writes:
>From: milton at spine.med.utoronto.ca (Milton Charlton)
>Subject: Bradykinin blockers in clinic ??
>Date: 18 Jun 1994 15:05:17 GMT

>BRADYKININ BLOCKER: Do any clinically useful bradykinin blockers
>exist? Have there been clinical trials?  Are any bradykinin blockers
>useful for topical application in hyperalgesia/ allodynia?

The German company Hoechst synthesized a bradykinin B2-antagonist (Icatibant, 
code name: HOE-140) which is active against experimentally induced 
pancreatitis in rats as well as in several animal models of inflammatory pain. 
I heard it being tested against pancreatits in patients, but I don't know any 

Ulrike Holzer-Petsche

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