Neural Net Model of Hormones?

Leslie Kay lmk2 at garnet.berkeley.edu
Thu Jun 23 17:19:06 EST 1994

In article <2ucs8d$ib7 at geraldo.cc.utexas.edu>,
Christopher Schultz  <cschultz at utxvms.cc.utexas.edu> wrote:
>indicator.  I
>was wondering if similar predictive abilities might be afforded by neural
>nets when one
>applies them to create a model for hormone actions in the body.  I've

You might check out references on "immune networks" by Alan Perelson
and a couple of other people whose names I cannot remember right
now.  There is at least one volume put out by Santa Fe Institute
on the subject, and I think that Perelson is the editor.
Although this is not exactly what you asked about, it might give you
some insights into the process.

Leslie Kay
lmk2 at garnet.berkeley.edu

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