The National Resource Center for Cephalopods was founded in 1975 to provide cephalopod molluscs for biomedical research. The giant axon of Loligo was the initial focus, but the program has evolved to supply squids, octopuses, cuttlefish and chambered nautilus for a variety of scientific uses.
Recent renovations allow us to offer facilities, services and animals to visiting investigators. Most species can also be shipped live either same day or overnight to users with access to local seawater maintenance facilities.
The faculty and technical staff are involved in the mariculture of cephalopods and past work has involved some aspects of fisheries biology. Currently active programs involve behavior, neurobiology of color change, equilibrium orientation, pathology, nutrition, respiratory physiology and computer automation of aquaculture systems.
Three local squid species are available, Lolliguncula brevis is a small, nearshore and estuarine squid available year-round. This animal has proven to be a hardy and useful laboratory animal. Loligo plei is available generally from Spring to late Summer and Loligo pealei is sporadically available. The squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Indo-Pacific) is being cultured currently. The cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (Europe) is also being cultured. The principle octopus species available is Octopus bimaculoides (California). Several other Octopus species can be obtained on request. We currently maintain low numbers of chambered nautilus and can obtain additional animals upon request. The species most available to visiting investigators in the next three years will Lolliguncula brevis, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, Sepia officinalis and Octopus bimaculoides.
We encourage enquiries from anyone interested in working in our facilities or with our animals. The research environment is highly conducive to Masters or Doctoral theses projects. Therefore we encourage students and their advisors to consider doing their research projects here if it is an appropriate subject. Post-Doctoral Fellows are also welcome and encouraged to consider doing research here. New and established researchers who are considering short- or long-term projects that require cephalopods or intensive aquaculture systems may consider working in our facilities either independently or on a collaborative basis.
In general, visiting investigators are expected to pay a charge for bench fees, animals and sleeping quarters at the facilities. There is no external fund to support visiting investigators. We encourage all interested parties to write for details.
All research specific enquiries should be addressed to: Roger T. Hanlon, Ph.D., Chief, NRCC. Enquiries for general information, animal and lab space availability and pricing should be directed to the Facility Managers, John W. Forsythe, M.S. and Phil E. Turk, M.S.
Internet: Hanlon at mbian.utmb.eduForsythe at mbian.utmb.eduTurk at
Comments reguarding this posting should be directed to Andrea Whitsell.
Whitsell at