Lobster pain

Rifle River jstream at girch1.med.uth.tmc.edu
Wed Jun 22 11:37:49 EST 1994

In article <2tr1f2$h48 at mailer.fsu.edu>, rrk at sgi3.magnet.fsu.edu (Randy
Ketchem) wrote:
> I have heard that lobsters do not feel pain. I think that this is probably
> not true, but I would appreciate some professional input. I do not read this
> newsgroup, so please reply to rrk at magnet.fsu.edu.

I heard Rush Limbaugh state this the other night.  You are right to doubt
that statement if you heard it from Rush.  He is a fucking idiot (political
beliefs aside).  He stated that a lobster could not feel pain because it
lacked a cerebral cortex.  This is absolutely an incorrect conclusion.  I
know of numerous animals that lack a cerebral cortex, yet, they still have
pain receptors or nociceptors.  I work on the nociceptors in Aplysia, a sea

I do not know if the lobster has nociceptors (like you, I would be
surprised if it didn't).  However, unlike Rush, I would have looked that up
before I tried to make a point about it on television.

+++++++++++++++                   |
Rifle River                       |   cash value 1/20th of a cent
jstream at girch1.med.uth.tmc.edu    |   void where prohibited

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