New AD drug

Kurt A. Kistler kistler at a.chem.upenn.edu
Tue Jun 21 16:42:25 EST 1994

Leslie Kay (lmk2 at garnet.berkeley.edu) wrote:
: In article <2tr2oe$6an at netnews.upenn.edu>,
: Kurt A. Kistler <kistler at a.chem.upenn.edu> wrote:
: >
: >I believe Tacrine is on the  U.S. market now, even though it does not
: >do such a great job.  Are AChE inhibitors a waste of time?

: I recently talked with someone who works in this field, and he told me
: that AChE inhibitors actually make the problem worse.  Patients
: see an increase in dimentia and a whole host of other problems
: present.

: Leslie Kay
: lmk2 at garnet.berkeley.edu

Well, what I understand about Tacrine is that it helps those that are
not too violent for about 12 weeks, then it doesn't help anymore.

I guess none of you have heard of this non-AChE drug.
Ah, well...


       ||                      |
    \\ || //                   |   Kurt A. Kistler
     \\||//                    |   University of Pennsylvania
     //||\\  The way of water. |   Department of Chemistry
    // || \\                   |   kistler at a.chem.upenn.edu
   // \||  \\                  |

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