fellow readers,
I agree with Mr. Keogh, it is bad enough that commercials have made
television and even certain magazines unbearable. If someone ever
sends a commercial to a newsgroup the best way to get rid of him/her
is to send A LOT of E-Mail complaining.
A while back I posted a message on the Sci-Space-Science newsgroup (
or something similar, I can't remember the exact name) requesting
information on the big bang. I am a 14 year old high school student
with a great interest in all sciences to the point where I have
created a phylosophy which centers around the pursuit of knowledge,
but am new to the Internet and far from knowledgeable on the subject
of netiquette. Many of the newsgroup's readers were upset by the
posting and sent me tons of E-Mail complaining. Beleive me, it can
become unbearable and I doubt anyone who goes through that will ever
post another commercial.
Christian Mondorf
2276 Hickory St.
San Diego, CA 92103
note: In a few short weeks the above address will be invalid, the new
address is;
Christian Mondorf
Casilla 10
Teno, Chile