computational neuroscience in Research Triangle area of North Carolina?

an61096 at anon.penet.fi an61096 at anon.penet.fi
Fri Jun 17 10:54:15 EST 1994

Does anyone know anything about any work related to computational neuroscience
in the Research Triangle (Durham, Chapel Hill, Raleigh) area of North Carolina
(USA)?  I'm currently a student in a well-known neuroscience Ph.D. program in
California and although I enjoy the work, it leaves me no time for my other
interests.  Also I've discovered that I loathe Californian (lack of) culture,
and being three thousand miles distant from my friends and family.  So I'm
searching for alternatives - jobs or schools.  (People in my program don't yet
know that I want to get out; that's why I've anonymized this posting.)

My background is in computer science.  Before entering the neuroscience program
I worked in artificial intelligence (natural language parsing) and incremental
computation (attribute-grammar-based programming environments).  Most of the
work that I've been doing in neuroscience is computational: digital eyeblink
filtering and neural-net classification of EEG, and some hack work on 3D
reconstruction of NMR scans.  I finished my M.S. in neuroscience this past

I've heard that Duke is into computational stuff but when I checked Peterson's
Guide for their neurobiology program I didn't find much of that.  Am I looking
in the wrong department?  Is any information available by www or gopher?

I'd also like to hear stories or advice from anyone who's been similarly
disenchanted with a graduate program.  What did you end up doing, and how did
it turn out?

Please e-mail me a copy of any reply that you post, since I'm unable to access
Usenet frequently from my current location.
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