neuro textbook

Jaba the Hutz, M.D. utzj at HAL.HAHNEMANN.EDU
Thu Jun 16 15:29:47 EST 1994

Besides the graduate neuroscience textbooks mentioned, our medicial school used
the follwing textbooks and atlases, which I found to be very good, as a student:
        Barr, M.E. and Kierman, J.A. The Human Nervous System: Anatomical
Viewpoint (6th Edition).  I found the text easy to read, and I really liked
the pictures.  Published by Harper and Row, Philadelphia.

        DeArmond, Fusco & Dewey.  A Photographic Atlas: Structure of the Human
Brain.  Oxford Univ. Press.  Very good atlas.  Other students seemed to
really like it.

        Haines, Duane E.  Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections and
Systems.  Urban & Schwarzenberg, Baltimore & Munich.  I liked this book better
than DeArmond &c.  It has good diagrams of some of the systems (somatosensory,
vision, motor, etc.).

For neural networks, the Synaptic Organization of the Brain (edited by Gordon
Sherpard is excellent).  In addition, two other books that are helpful :

        MacGregor, R.J. Neural and Brain Modeling.  Academic Press, New York.
This book is sort of a classic.

        Koch, Christof and Segev, Idan.  Methods in Neuronal Modeling; From
Synapses to Networks. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.  This book was developed in
parrallel with the Methods in Computational Neural Neuroscience Course that
was taught by Christof Koch and Jim Bowers..  I find the book useful.

--Jeff Utz, M.D.
Dept. of Physiol. and Biophysics
M.S. 409
Hahnemann Univ.
Phila., PA 19102
utzj at hal.hahnemann.edu

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