MJ Duggan (sgex400 at sghms.ac.uk) wrote:
> Hi,
> I know that I should post this to one of the methods newsroups for maximum
> response but I am currently unsubscribed.
> Does Anybody out there know of a Uk or European supplier of racks for
> holding coverslips (coverglasses to some). We are doing immunofluorescence
I took normal slide racks, sawed off some width and put them together
again. What is wrong with that?
Dag Stenberg stenberg at cc.helsinki.fi
Department of Physiology stenberg at finuh.bitnet
P.O.Box 9 tlx: 1002125 finuh sf
(Siltavuorenpenger 20 J) fax: int.+358-0-1918681
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland tel: int.+358-0-1918532