3D computerised cat cortex atlas ?

Daniel Glaser bnglaser at tohu0.weizmann.ac.il
Thu Jun 16 03:35:54 EST 1994

Does anyone know of a computerized atlas of cat cortex, in particular
primary visual areas ?

Of course Tusa et al.(*) have lovely coronal sections, but we wanted to
check before we try to digitize and render on our own.

Please reply by email, and I will synthesize and repost if

Thanks, Daniel Glaser.

Daniel Glaser			bnglaser at tohu0.weizmann.ac.il
Department of Neurobiology	Phone:	+ 972 8 343085
Weizmann Institute of Science	Fax:	+ 972 8 344129
Rehovot 76100 ISRAEL

* Tusa, R.J., Rosenquist, A.C., and Palmer, L.A.
Retinotopic organization of areas 18 and 19 in the cat.
J.Comp.Neurol. 185:657-678, 1979.

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