
John Harvey harvey at quark.scs.uiuc.edu
Wed Jun 15 14:27:15 EST 1994


If anyone out there is using pressure injection to label neurons I
would like to talk to you via e-mail about your setup. Thank you,

                                           JJJJJ OOOOO H   H N   N
                                             J   O   O H___H NN  N
                                             J   O   O H   H N N N
    ATTGCA   AATA   GGCC   TTAGC          JJJJ   OOOOO H   H N  NN
          A T    G C    C C	     
           G      C      A                        John Harvey
          T A    C G    G G                 University of Illinois
    TAACGA   TTAT   CCGG   AATCG          Department of Biochemistry
                                   "DON'T TRUST YOUR GENES TO JUST ANYONE"
                                          harvey at quark.scs.uiuc.edu

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