Na pump or leakage K

huiwen xie hxie at VMS2.MACC.WISC.EDU
Wed Jun 15 16:23:01 EST 1994

I have a question regarding the change in resting potential of motoneuron
during embryogenesis. What I found in my study was that the resting
potential of motoneuron increased as motoneurons matured.(The increase in
resting potential means resting potential is more negative.). Theoretically,
there are at least two factors that may be responsible for this change. One
is the increased expression of electrogenic Na-pump onto the membrane, while
the other will be the increased leakage K current. Although I don't know
what really happened during their maturation, I prefer the first
possibility. I welcome your comments. It will be appreciated if you can give
any relevant references on Na-pump and resting potential during development.

Steven Schie
Department of Physiology
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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