neuro textbook

sjstjohn at maple.circa.ufl.edu sjstjohn at maple.circa.ufl.edu
Tue Jun 14 13:21:33 EST 1994

In article <CrE783.KM5 at kidec.cmb.ki.se>, cib at kidec.cmb.ki.se (Carlos Ibanez) writes:
>Could you recommend good textbooks on neuroscience appropriate 
>for graduate students in the field? What are the usual texts in
>the major neuroscience programs in USA?
>Thank you very much

I am a graduate student in psychobiology at the University of Florida, and

Kandel, E.R., Schwartz, J.H., & Jessel, T.M. (1991).  Principles of Neural
Science (Third Edition).  Appleton&Lange, Norwalk, Conn.

Topics include Cell & Molecular Biology of the Neuron (incl. membrane
potential), Synaptic transmission, Sensory systems, Motor systems,
Brain stem systems, Limbic system & hypothalamus, Language, thought &
affect, & Development.  Some of the chapters are a bit dry, but most
are good.

Even better for molecular neurobiology (but with no emphasis on systems):

Hall, Z.W. (1992).  An introduction to Molecular Biology.  Sinauer,
Sunderland, MA.

Topics:  Signalling, Cell Bio of neurons & glia, Development, Plasticity
& diseases of neurons.

Very well written.  

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