how the brain processes language?

marten marten at xs4all.hacktic.nl
Mon Jun 13 17:44:47 EST 1994

Dear readers,

In the past week a question rose with me about the organization of 
the brain. On basis of the name of this group I'm posting this question 

What's the hierarchy of the reaction on stimuli. If we take a direct 
stimulus of a sense (for instance something we hear or see) is this 
directly processed and then further interpretated, or does this 
interpretation directly follow out of the stimulus. What interests me 
most in this case is language. Do we more easily process -and 
understand/interpreter- spoken or written text. Is there a (maybe very) 
different way in how eventually a text got understood depending on how 
it's offered to us.
And if there is a very different way, does this also apply for speaking 
and writing/typing (or are those two latter also different?) the text?

I would be very thankful for any response on this question. Though I 
would appreciate it if you didn't just answer "go read a textbook". I 
would be very pleased if you could e-mail the answer to me, also e-mail 
me if you  think this question is better of tackled in another newsgroup. 
And if you think answering this question is significant enough to post 
your answer to the newsgroup that also will suit me fine.

Many thanks in advance (also for ignoring bad English),

Marten Hoekstra, Amsterdam.
e-mail marten at hacktic.nl, martenh at dds.hacktic.nl

(my starting-level knowledge on this subject is university level 
biochemistry, as far as that is relevant to this matter)

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