Info on SPM needed.

tetsuji at BIX.COM tetsuji at BIX.COM
Sun Jun 12 22:11:39 EST 1994

   I'm interested in the PET image analyzing program, SPM (Statistical
Parametric Mapping) developed by Hammersmith group.   And would like
to use it (I've heard it is distributed to several labos).   Will anyone
give me any info (whom I should contact, what is required, etc.) ?

 Best regards.

Tetsuji Rai   Neuroscience group, Dept. of Radiology, Univ. of Tokyo
tetsuji at bix.com    tetsuji at rai.juice.or.jp  trai at tanuki.twics.com
5-12-21, Toyotamakita, Nerimaku, Tokyo 176, Japan
voice: +81-3-3557-3936   fax: +81-3-3993-0323

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