Grad study in Canada

I. Reichova reichi at ibp.cz
Thu Jun 9 04:52:17 EST 1994

Dear Canadian (not only) Netters,

                     I want to study neurobiology toward my PhD at
the Laval University in Quebec. I need as much info as possible
concerning the studentships and available financial support for
foreign students in Canada. I know of many stipends for the USA
studies but very little about such opportunities in Canada. Is
it possible to obtain more detailed information from Canadian MRC?
Or where to ask (write) in Canada? Or is it obvious to obtain
required support from the university once you are accepted? I have
contacted Canadian Embassy but with little success.
    Thank you very much!
reichi at zoncna.ibp.cz
Iva Reichova
Inst. of Biophysics
Acad.Sci.Czech Rep.
Kralovopolska 165
612 65 Brno
The Czech Republic

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