Dissociated cell culture of red nucleus

Jim Loukides loukides at camtwh.eric.on.ca
Wed Jun 8 13:03:00 EST 1994

Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience
Subject: Dissociated cell culture of red nucleus from rat
Summary: Request for suggestions on how to culture Red nucleus
Followup-To: bionet.neuroscience
Distribution: world
Organization: Eye Research Inst. of Canada
Keywords: red nucleus, in vitro, rat(s), cell culture

I am trying to grow rat motoneurons in culture.  The literature
searches I have carried out have yielded only methods for
culturing lower motoneurons while I am interested in upper
motoneurons, specifically from the red nucleus.  I wonder if
centrifugation on a metrizamide density gradient coupled with
panning on a monoclonal antibody to the NGF receptor would be
effective.  This is the technique used to achieve pure
populations of motoneurons from the ventral spinal cord.  I
would greatly appreciate any suggestions.  Please send them to
my e-mail address.

Thank You
loukides at camtwh.eric.on.ca

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