>Dear, Net Users:
>>I am hoping to get human neuroblastoma cell lines which can be
>into neurons without NGF. Recently, I found SH-SY5Y cell line was
>differentiated with retinoic acid.
>Please, tell me how I could get SH-SY5Y cell line, human neuroblastoma cell
>Jun Ikeda @ HSP Research Institute Co.
>Kyoto Research Park, 17 Chudo-ji-minami-machi, Shimo-Kyo-Ku, Kyoto, 600,
>Tel. 075(315)8656, Fax 075(315)8659
>池田 純 @ HSP研瘢雹究所
>jikeda at hsp1.hsp.co.jp
Contact June Biedler who originated this clone. Her address is:
Dr. June L. Biedler
Mem. Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Ave.
New York, NY 10021
FAX 212-717-3616
In addition to retinoic acid, this line also differentiates in response to
NGF + drugs which blocks cell proliferation (LoPrest et al. Cell Growth &
Differentiatio 3, 627-635 (1992)).
Alonzo Ross
Worcester Foundation