IEEE International Conference on Image Processing

Alan C. Bovik bovik at cs.utexas.edu
Wed Jun 8 01:56:22 EST 1994

                        November 13-16, 1994
               Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas, USA


Sponsored  by  the  Institute  of  Electrical   and   Electronics
Engineers  (IEEE)  Signal  Processing  Society,  ICIP-94  is  the
inaugural international conference on  theoretical,  experimental
and  applied  image  processing.   It will provide a centralized,
high-quality forum for presentation of technological advances and
research  results  by  scientists  and engineers working in Image
Processing and associated  disciplines  such  as  multimedia  and
video   technology, as well as image processing  applications  in 
areas  such  as  the  biomedical  sciences  and geosciences.

ICIP-94 will be held in the recently  completed  state-of-the-art
Convention  Center  in  downtown Austin. The Convention Center is
situated two blocks from the Town Lake, and is  only  12  minutes
from  Robert  Meuller  Airport.   It is surrounded by many modern
hotels that provide comfortable accommodation  for  $75-$125  per

Austin, the state capital, is  renowned  for  its  natural  hill-
country  beauty  and  an  active  cultural  scene. Within walking
distance of the Convention Center are several hiking and  jogging
trails, as well as opportunities for a variety of aquatic sports.
Live bands perform in various clubs around the city and at  night
spots  along  Sixth  Street,  offering  a  range  of jazz, blues,
country/Western, reggae, swing and rock music.  Day  temperatures
are typically in the upper sixties in mid-November.

An  exciting  range  of  EXHIBITS,  TUTORIALS,  SPECIAL   PRODUCT
SESSIONS, and SOCIAL EVENTS will be offered.

In the remainder of this mailing, you will find:

	- ICIP-94 Conference Registration form
	- ICIP-94 Hotel Registration Form
	- Information on ICIP-94 Hotels in Austin, Texas

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First IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
November 13-16, 1994
Austin, Texas  USA

Personal Information: (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY)

First Name ______________________________________________________
Last Name _______________________________________________________
Name Desired on Badge ___________________________________________
Title ___________________________________________________________
Affiliation _____________________________________________________
Mailing Address _________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________________
Country _________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________ Fax ______________________
E-mail __________________________________________________________

Registration Fee Schedule:

_________________________      Advance                 On-Site or
IEEE Member Number            By Oct. 10              After Oct. 10

           IEEE Member        $275  USD __________  $325  USD __________
           Non-members        $375  USD __________  $425  USD __________
           *Student           $100  USD __________  $100  USD __________
           Tutorials each     $100  USD __________  $120  USD __________
*Student - Tutorials each     $ 40  USD __________  $ 40  USD __________
Banquet  Quantity ________    $ 50  USD __________  $ 50  USD __________
Extra Conference Proceedings:
   IEEE Member Quantity _____ $120  USD __________
    Non-Member Quantity _____ $145  USD __________

           TOTAL PAYMENT                __________

Tutorials: Sunday, Nov. 13, 1994
(Please check at most one morning and one afternoon session.)
______ Session 1 AM Bernd Girod - Compression of Still and Moving Images
______ Session 2 AM Robert Haralick - Mathematical Morphology
______ Session 3 PM Martin Vetterli/Jelena Kovacevic
                    Wavelets and Subband Coding
______ Session 4 PM Richard Blahut - Maximum-Likelihood Image Synthesis:
                    An Introduction to Imaging Algorithms

*Please attach proof of student status
(copy of valid student ID or letter from Department Chair)

Registration fees include: all sessions, exhibits, one copy of proceedings,
coffee breaks and social events.  Registration does not  include banquet.

METHOD OF PAYMENT (Circle one)    Check       Credit Card         Other

Credit card type  (Circle one)    Visa        American Express    Mastercard

Card Number        _______________________________________________
Expiration date    _______________________________________________
Cardholder's name  _______________________________________________

Cardholder's signature  __________________________________________
Delegates not using credit card facilities must forward a check, money
order or bank draft payable to "ICIP-94" and drawn on a US bank or US
branch of a foreign bank for the total amount in US dollars.

Check Number______________________

Mail to:
Conference Management Services
3024 Thousand Oaks Drive
Austin, Texas  78746 U.S.A.
FAX:   +512-327-8132
Phone: +512-327-4012

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                     ICIP-94 HOTEL RESERVATION FORM

First IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
November 13-16, 1994
Austin, Texas, USA

MAIL,  FAX , or phone your reservation by OCT. 10 to ensure availability 
and special rates to the hotel of your choice.  Be sure to mention the 
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing.


Last Name __________________________First Name______________________________

Company / Organization _____________________________________________________

Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________
                       (Please include Mail Stop)
City / State / Country / Postal Code _______________________________________

Phone (Work)________________________Phone (Home)____________________________

Arrival Date ___________ Expected Time of Arrival_________Departure Date ___

Room Desired:   ____Single   ____Double   ____Triple   ____Quad
  *Please note:  At the Four Seasons -- a Double is twin beds
Special Request:  ______non-smoking   _______smoking
Special Requirements _____________________________ Number of people ________
Sharing a room with  _______________________________________________________
If sharing a room, please return only one reservation card.

I authorize this hotel to charge my account for one night's deposit, 
including all applicable taxes.

Please Circle One:  Master Card   VISA   American Express

Credit Card Number _____________________________Expiration Date  ___________

Reservations may be canceled 48 hours prior to arrival for a full refund of 
a deposit.

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                      ICIP-94 HOTELS IN AUSTIN, TEXAS

First International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-94

All of the hotels listed are located within one mile of the Austin Convention
Center.  Please mail, phone, or fax your reservation request directly to the
hotel of your choice by OCTOBER 10, 1994 to ensure that a room will be
available.  In order to receive the special rates for conference attendees,
BE SURE TO MENTION ICIP-94.  Reservations received after the block of rooms
reserved for ICIP-94 is filled will only be confirmed on a space available
basis and may not have the special group rate.  Reservations must be
accompanied by the first night's deposit and 13% tax, or an accepted credit
card number and signature.  *If you are planning to stay the weekend prior,
PLEASE book your rooms EARLY to avoid conflict with other Austin events.
Hotel space is limited in Austin.

Four Seasons Hotel
98 San Jacinto Boulevard
Austin, Texas  78701-4039
Telephone:     + 512-478-4500
Fax:           + 512-478-3117
Single Rate    $ 119.00
Double Rate    $ 129.00
The Four Seasons is located on Town Lake and is one block from the
Convention Center.  It is the headquarters hotel for ICIP-94.  Hotel
facilities include full health club, heated outdoor pool and 24 hour
concierge services.  The service is impeccable and the facilities are
superior.  Ten minutes from the airport - taxi fare should be around $8.00.

Radisson Hotel on Town Lake
111 East 1st Street
Austin, Texas 78701
Telephone:           + 512-478-9611
Fax:                 + 512-478-3227
Single/Double Rate   $ 75.00
Triple/Quad   Rate   $ 85.00
The Radisson Hotel is three blocks and an easy walk from Austin's new
Convention Center.  The Radisson has a lakeside outdoor pool with nearby
picnic areas and an 18.45 mile Hike and Bike Trail.  The Radisson has
complimentary airport transportation and complimentary covered parking.

Sheraton Austin Hotel
Austin, TX  78701
500 N. IH-35
Telephone:      + 512-480-8181
Fax:            + 512-482-0660
Single Rate     $ 86.00
Double Rate     $ 96.00
The Sheraton Austin Hotel has Italian marble throughout with Drexel
Heritage furnishings and silk wall paper.  It is located on historic and
exciting Sixth Street.  The Sheraton is three blocks from the Convention
Center and 10 minutes by taxi from the airport.  Ample complimentary garage
parking is available for guests.

The Driskill
6th & Brazos Street
Austin, TX 78701
Telephone:    + 512-474-5911
Fax:          + 512-474-2214
Single Rate   $ 75.00
Double Rate   $ 85.00
The Driskill Hotel, built in 1886, is a State & Federal Historic landmark
located in the heart of downtown Austin. The State Capitol, The University
of Texas, Town Lake and Historic Sixth Street are all within walking
distance.  It is four blocks from the Convention Center and 10 minutes by
taxi from the airport.

Omni Austin Hotel
700 San Jacinto Street
Austin, TX 78701
Telephone:     + 512-476-3700 
Fax:           + 512-320-5882
Single Rate    $ 95.00
Double Rate    $ 95.00
The Omni Austin Hotel is a Four Diamond hotel located one block from Historic
Sixth Street.  It is only 5 blocks from the Convention Center.  The Omni has a
penthouse health club, sauna, outdoor pool and whirlpool.  The Omni provides
complimentary transportation from the airport as well as complimentary

Hyatt Regency Austin
208 Barton Springs Road
Austin, TX  78704
Telephone:     + 512-477-1234
Fax:           + 512-480-2069
Single Rate    $  99.00
Double Rate    $  99.00
Triple Rate    $ 109.00
The Hyatt Regency is a downtown hotel in a nine-acre setting of landscaped
terrain on Town Lake.  It is eight blocks from the Convention Center.  The
Hyatt has an outdoor swimming pool and a ten mile Hike'n Bike Trail at
the hotel's back door.  Complimentary bicycles are available to hotel
guests.  General and valet parking is also available.

Austin Marriott at the Capitol
701 East 11th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Telephone:      + 512-478-1111
Fax:            + 512-478-3700
Single Rate     $ 92.00
Double Rate     $ 97.00
The Austin Marriott is ideally located at the intersection of I-35
and 11th Street, just 10 minutes from the airport.  This AAA Four Diamond
hotel offers a private concierge floor, airport transportation, and complete
recreational facilities.  The Convention Center is 10 blocks south of the

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For further details about ICIP-94, please contact:

     Conference Management Services
     3024 Thousand Oaks Drive
     Austin, Texas 78746
     Tel: 512/327/4012; Fax:512/327/8132
     or email: icip at pine.ece.utexas.edu

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   _                                                              / |ICIP / |
 \, *_}                   November 13-16, 1994                   |  |____|__|
   \(         Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas, USA       |  /    |  /
                                                                 | /  94 | /

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