In article <DALTON.94May26004302 at mantle.Geop.UBC.CA>, dalton at mantle.Geop.UBC.CA (David Dalton) writes...
>This is a summary of responses to my original query.
This resource falls more into the category of objective analysis of
extraordinary experience.
Did anyone mention to you about psychologist Kenneth Ring's "Omega Project ?"
He used a series of questionaires to try to find common predisposing
tendencies for near death and alien abduction experiences, and common
personality changes following these experiences, and found a number of
interesting commonalities. He also noted a number of striking similarities
with Kundalini experience, including the electrical sensitivity psi reports,
and so on, as well various common changes in attitudes and beliefs. Sort of
an objectification and quantification of the things that most of the other
authors previously mentioned deal with in a more experiential manner.
He published his results in several books that you can probably find in either
the psychology or "New Age" section of your local bookstore.
kind regards,
| Todd I. Stark stark at |
| Digital Equipment Corporation (215) 542-3573 |
| Philadelphia, Pa. 19152 USA |
| "There are four basic types : the cretin, the imbecile, the stupid, and the |
| mad. Normality is a balanced mixture of all four." Umberto Eco |