animal research & pop fiction

Aaron Pawlyk aaron at netnews.upenn.edu
Sun Jun 5 10:12:29 EST 1994

Okay.  I deleted (I hope) my previous post after rereading it.  Here is a 
corrected version.  I apololgize to anyone I may have offended.  I wrote it
off the top of my head and there were some mistakes which changed the meaning
of what I had intended to say.  I apologize and have learned to be more
careful before I post.  I was never good at spur of the moment essay writing.

That book sounds horrible!  I think I'll just ramble on a bit in favor

of animal research.


I don't know of any reputable scientist that would conduct experiments on

dogs (or other animals) stolen or taken directly off of the streets.  I am not

sure of all practices, granted.  We do experiments on rats in my lab.  We use

very specific species of rats which have been inbred and are established lines.

I know this is the case with many other animals that can be used in research.

It is NOT good science to use stray animals.  From a purely scientific

standpoint, we have NO CLUE how these animals have lived, what factors have

been involved in their lives, etc., etc.  We need to use animals which

can give reproducable results and have been under a constant environment for

their lives.  


I figure there is some use of such stolen or stray animals (not going 

through a pound) and this should be halted.  Any scientist using such animals

should have their money pulled.


And as far as NIH just loving to give out money for animal work: HAHAHAHA!

I guess that's why most of the researchers in my department are complaing

about hot tight the NIH is now and how little money there is.

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