nostrils and brain

Jeremy Keens keens at pitvax.xx.rmit.edu.au
Fri Jun 3 00:24:59 EST 1994

In article <DERNISON.11.769809420 at stpc.wi.LeidenUniv.nl>,
DERNISON at stpc.wi.LeidenUniv.nl (Marc) wrote:

> A while ago I read about an interesting phenomenon in relation
> with a small muscle apperently present in the nose, capable of
> regulating the amount of air one inhales trough each of both
> nostrils.

My  understanding is that it is erectile tissue in the nose which looks
after this - which allows the nasal mucosa to 'relax' after a period of
inhaling - the secretory cells to build up more secretions, mucous to be
removed etc.

(just looked up junquiera histology - calls them swell bodies, in the
concha, act every 20-30 minutes)

you would therefore need to look at the autonomic innervation/connections.
=========================Jeremy Keens=================================
Here Comes Everybody                                                       
      Me, Jake and                                                         
                 tell me all about
             Anna Livia Plurabelle                                     
Anna Livia! I want to hear all
==================keens at pitvax.xx.rmit.edu.au=============================

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