Animal Rights FAQ

Jeremy Keens keens at pitvax.xx.rmit.edu.au
Fri Jun 3 00:18:44 EST 1994

In article <2sknnu$pft at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>, TOMASI at MVCHSS.CINECA.IT wrote:

> I consider posting a whole FAQ on the net rather inappropriate. It wastes
> a lot of bandwidth. The persono who did it should have offered a pointer to
> that FAQ instead (and, perhaps, maybe, to other relevant net material).
> Or, won't he kill the mice that
> terrorize his wife? (sic!!!)

me, i consider it very appropriate. the net is full of FAQs many, which i
read some of, about relatively insignificant things like NineInchNail,
heavy metal, king crimson, classsical  and manymany other musical groups,
types etc. here we have an FAQ in a group which it is very relevant to. 

by the way, many animal rightists try to minimise killing anything - they
(he or she) will catch and let loose the mouse, will try to get flies out
of the kitchen, is probably vegetarian, wears leather shoes only because
there is no current alternative which doesnt cause tinnea, may even have
been an animal experimenter at some stage, and isnt just interested in the
cute and furry, or the experimental animals.

they even are worried about their fellow human beings.

=========================Jeremy Keens=================================
Here Comes Everybody                                                       
      Me, Jake and                                                         
                 tell me all about
             Anna Livia Plurabelle                                     
Anna Livia! I want to hear all
==================keens at pitvax.xx.rmit.edu.au=============================

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