Animal research benefits

Sherry Pauly pauly at neuro.fsu.edu
Thu Jun 2 11:03:47 EST 1994

<stuff deleted>

>animals. Currently nearly 3 million mice, rats, cats, dogs, primates
>and other animals suffer and die in such tests. Yet these experiments
>often prove to be dangerously misleading for human health. This is
>because animals are different to us in the way their bodies work and
>in their reaction to drugs. 

I am much more troubled by the 400-500+ animals which are killed *every month* 
here in Tallahassee alone by the Humane Society -- simply because there aren't 
enough dollars to take care of them (or people willing to adopt them as pets). 
The number of animals needlessly slaughtered in this manner is astounding to 
me.  Why do people concerned with animal rights continually try to put band 
aids on scratches while ignoring that the jugular has been cut?

Sherry P.

Sherry Pauly, 904-644-1400, pauly at psy.fsu.edu         /////
Florida State University, Neuroscience Program       (o)(o)

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