EMG techniques & Accurate results?

LMCC lmcc at aol.com
Wed Jun 1 22:25:11 EST 1994

In article <9403301216.UPU.142 at foodfarm.org>, gottlieb at foodfarm.org
(Danny Gottlieb) writes:

of his unfortunate experience at the hands of an electromyographer. I
am a neurologist and an experienced electromyographer. I would not
judge the quality of the EMG by the appearance of the machinery. By
your description, the second study was more carefully applied and
more likely to be accurate. "EMG" is only as good as the "EMGer". If
you are interested in specifics of quality control, I would write to
the American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine or the American
Association of Electromyography and Electrodiagnosis (AAEE).

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