M.S. and beta-Interferon Treatment

LMCC lmcc at aol.com
Wed Jun 1 22:36:10 EST 1994

In article <2nrn3f$ebs at charm.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>,
cblack at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Chris B Black) writes:

Beta-interferon (Betaseron) is a bioengineered (E coli produced )
human protein given as an injection every other day to MS patients.
In a controlled trial using relapsing remitting MS patients it
demonstrated a statistically significant reduction of the frequency
and severity of exacerbations. This amounted to about a 30% reduction
in frequency. A controlled study of chronic progressive MS patients
has not been performed. A controlled study of new MS patients has
also not been performed. You can obtain information about the drug
from Berlex Pharmaceutical Company.

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