Animal research benefits

Geoffrey Goodhill gjg at cogsci.ed.ac.uk
Thu Jun 2 07:14:18 EST 1994

But... is anyone prepared to dispute the claim of Dave Featherstone and
myself that much of what animal rights organizations say about animal
experimentation is "propaganda based on misinformation / misconception"?

How about this for starters: here is an extract (not taken out of
context or edited) from a glossy brochure called "Health with
Humanity" published by the British Union of Antivivisectionsist, one
of the more "respectable" organizations in the UK.

"Welcome to the "Health with Humanity" campaign magazine. we hope that
you will find it both interesting and challenging. Inside we tackle
the highly emotive and controversial issue of medical research on
animals. Currently nearly 3 million mice, rats, cats, dogs, primates
and other animals suffer and die in such tests. Yet these experiments
often prove to be dangerously misleading for human health. This is
because animals are different to us in the way their bodies work and
in their reaction to drugs. 

Animal experiments not only give the wrong answer, but they also
divert attention and resources away from other more relevant sources
of information. We are proposing a positive alternative for a
healthcare system based around people. At present hospital admissions,
chronic sickness and the number of victims of drug side-effects are
all increasing. It is clear that the time for change has come. 

We hope that you will read this magazine and question for yourself the
cruelty and stupidity of continuing to base medical research and human
health care on animal experiments."

Geoff Goodhill

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