Computer-Based Medical Systems

WESLEY E SNYDER wes at eos.ncsu.edu
Fri Apr 29 19:04:21 EST 1994


			The 7th IEEE Symposium on
			Computer-Based Medical Systems
			Adam's Mark Hotel
			Winston-Salem, North Carolina
			June 10-12, 1994

IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Winston-Salem Chapter 
and in cooperation with the Bowman Gray School of Medicine, 
Wake Forest University 

CBMS will be held in coordination with S/CAR:12th Conference*
for Computer Applications in Radiology June 12-15           *

For a copy of the complete CBMS advance program,
contact Ms. Carla Muller, Tel (910)716-6890; 
Fax (910)716-2870; email carla at relito.medeng.wfu.edu

                   Email Advance Program
FM1:10:00 AM --12 Noon 
Expert Systems-1 (Martha Evens)

FM2 10:00 AM --12 Noon
Image Processing - 1 (Wesley Snyder)

FM3: 10:00 AM --12 Noon
Drug Roundtable (Margaret Peterson)

12:00: LUNCH
Speaker: Design News Magazine's "Engineer of the Year", Dean Kamen

FA1 1:00-3:00 PM
Prosthetic Valve Sounds 1 (Rebecca Inderbitzen)

FA2 1:00-3:00 PM
Signal Processing-1 (Paul Kizakevich)

FA3 1:00-3:00 PM
Methods 1 


FA4 3:30-5:30 PM
Prosthetic Valve Sounds 2 (Rebecca Inderbitzen)

FA5 3:30-5:30 PM
Image Processing 2 (Nelson Corby)

FA6 3:30-5:30 PM
Methods 2
6:00 Social at the Workshop, Old Salem: Join us for food, music, and Moravian 
crafts demonstrations

SM1 8:30-9:30 AM
Expert Systems 2 (Martha Evens)

SM2 8:30-9:30 AM
Signal Processing-2 (Paul Kizakevich)

SM3 10:00AM-12:00 Noon
Neural Networks-1 (Russ Eberhart)

SM 4 10:00 AM-12:00 Noon
Signal Processing-3 (Richard Fries)

SM5 10:00 AM-12:00 Noon
Medical Software Safety (Lon Gowen)

12:00 LUNCH

SA1 1:00-3:00 PM
Medical Information (Harry Burke)

SA 2 1:00-3:00 PM
Image Processing 3 (Wes Snyder)

SA3 1:00-3:00 PM
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (Tom Smith)

SA4: 1:00-3:00 PM
Neural Networks-2 (Russ Eberhart)

SA5 3:30-5:30 PM
Image Processing 4 (Nassrin Tavakoli)

SA6 3:30-5:30 PM
Software Safety Roundtable (Lon Gowen) 

Open Discussion

Conference Registration Fees  Advance (Prior to 5/20/94) Late and onsite
IEEE Member                   $295                       $355
Non Member                    $370                       $445
IEEE Full-time Student Member $125
Registration includes Proceedings, Coffee Breaks, Lunches, and Friday Social 
at Old Salem.

*Special S/CAR -CBMS Joint Registration: With full registration at either*
*CBMS or S/CAR, participants may attend the other meeting for $150       *
*(proceedings not included)                                              *
Send Registration form along with check or money order payable on a U.S. 
bank to: CBMS, Attn: Ms. Carla Muller, Department of Radiology, Bowman Gray 
School of Medicine, Medical Center Boulevard, Winston-Salem NC 27157 
Tel (910)716-6890; Fax (910)716-2870; email carla at relito.medeng.wfu.edu. 
We regret that CBMS can not accept credit cards. 
Cancellation policy: Registration will be refunded less a $50 processing fee 
if cancellations are made in writing prior to May 23.

Saturday Evening, June 11
Sunday Morning, June 12 

T1: Grantsmanship in Biomedical Engineering Research 
T2: Surfing the Internet: Mosaic and Other Tools
T3: Integrated Neuro-fuzzy Models in Pattern Recognition 
T4: Programming in Motif
T5: Medical Imaging

For complete details on tutorials, including speaker resumes and 
tutorial descriptions, contact Ms. Carla Muller, Tel (910)716-6890; 
Fax (910)716-2870; email carla at relito.medeng.wfu.edu

                   IEEE Member   Non-member 
Advance Registration $125            $155
Late/onsite          $175            $220

Travel to Winston-Salem: Winston-Salem is located in the beautiful western 
piedmont region of North Carolina, about 80 miles north of Charlotte, 
30 miles west of Greensboro, and less than an hour's drive from the Blue 
Ridge Parkway. The Piedmont Triad International Airport, which is midway
between Winston-Salem and Greensboro, is served by USAir, Delta, Continental, 
United, and American Air Lines.

Accommodations: Adam's Mark Hotel, 425 N. Cherry St., Winston-Salem NC 27101; 
Tel(910)725-3500 or (800)444-2326; Fax(910)721-2235. Please state that you 
are attending the IEEE-CBMS Symposium. The Symposium rate is $85.00/night.

               FOLLOWING CBMS:                                           *
                  S/CAR94                                                *
      Symposium for Computer Assisted Radiology                          *
    June 12-15, 1994 Winston-Salem, North Carolina                       *
Sunday, June 12 - Tutorials/Technical Exhibits (1:00-5:15 PM)            *
Monday, June 13                                                          *
Wide Area PACS	Image Processing                                         *
3D-Imaging	RIS/HIS/PACS	                                         *
PACS Assessment	Expert Systems                                           *
MDIS	                                                                 *
Tuesday, June 14                                                         *
PACS Software		Information Systems                              *
Artificial Intelligence	Public Health                                    *
Teleradiology	        DICOM/LAN                                        *
Workstations	        Computed Radiography		                 *

Wednesday, June 1                                                        *
PACS Integration, Teaching, Research, Focus session:Current State of     * 
                                                    Virtual Reality      *

Demonstrations, Poster Sessions, and Technical Exhibits on Mon. & Tues.  *

Tutorials                                                                *
o  Basics of Computers                                                   *
o  Basics of Digital Imaging                                             *
o  A Transition to Filmless Imaging Department                           *
o  Introduction to DICOM                                                 *
o  Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and its Applicability to Telemedicine*

Fees: Register for either S/CAR or CBMS and attend the other conference  * 
for only an additional $150.                                             *

Program and Registration Information: Contact Pat Rice, Department of    *
Radiology, The Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Medical Center Boulevard, *
Winston-Salem, North Carolina USA. 27157-1088, Tel: (910)716-2470,       *
Fax(910) 716-2029.                                                       *
              Conference Committee
General Chair
Wesley E. Snyder
North Carolina State University and Bowman Gray School of Medicine

Local Arrangements Chair
Craig Hamilton, Bowman Gray School of Medicine

            Program Co-Chairs
Paul Kizakevich                Nassrin Tavakoli
Research Triangle Institute    Motorola Info Systems

Finance Chair                  Tutorials Chair
Meena Banerjee                 Thomas K. Miller
AT&T                           North Carolina State University

Exhibits Chair
Richard Riddle
Riddle and Associates

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