Could someone please explain what LaTeX actually is, and how does one
access it please.
Thank you!
Kevin Clancy
Eleanor Roosevelt Institute
1899 Gaylord Street,
Denver, CO 80206
phone (303) 333 4515
fax (303) 333 8423
On 28 Apr 1994, Paul Cisek wrote:
> For all those looking for a LaTeX template for Neuroscience abstracts,
> here's a style file one of my teachers constructed:
>> --------------------------(cut here)-------------------------------
> % neuro-abs.sty -- April 1991
> % For Neuroscience Meeting Abstracts
> %
> % Developed by Paolo Gaudiano, Boston University, gaudiano at> %
> % This style option is designed to work with the article document
> % style of LaTeX. Use
> % \documentstyle[neuro-abs]{article}
>>> % Set up the parameters for the size and location of text on the page.
>> % The parameters print the text within the blue box on the standard form.
>> \oddsidemargin 2.1in % Left margin = 3.0" (1" always added)
> \textwidth 4.7in % Leave 0.1" on either side of blue line
>> \topmargin 2.85in % Distance from top
>> \headheight 0pt %
> \headsep 0pt %
>> \textheight 4.65in
>> \footskip .2in % Distance from bottom of text to bottom of foot,
> % which is where page number goes for preliminary
> % pages. Hence number will be 0.6" from bottom.
>>> % TITLE
> % Scientific-style bibliography: no number, first line indented backwards
> \def\thebibliography#1{\def\baselinestretch{1.2}
> \section*{\centerline{References}}
> \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{References}
> \list
> {}{
> \setlength{\itemindent}{-1em}
> \setlength{\leftmargin}{1em}
> \usecounter{enumi}}
> \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em}
> }
> \def\endthebibliography{\endlist}