In article <16FA4F98FS85.ULIBARRI at>,
<ULIBARRI at> wrote:
>We have discovered certain cells in the lamina propria of the large intestine
>express mRNA for our riboprobe. Unfortunately, the rigors of in situ hybridi-
>zation preclude their identification. These are large cells nestled between
>the intestinal glands. Does anyone know of any texts or articles which detail
>the constituitive cells of the lamina propria?
>>They are probably lymphoid cells - intraepithelial lymphocytes (T cells),
macrophages, or (most likely based on size) antibody-secreting B cells. Hmm..
large intestine is not so popular as small intestine, but a typical
medical histology textbook should help you out. There is a small description
in "A Textbook of Histology" ed. Leon Weiss, for example.