For all those looking for a LaTeX template for Neuroscience abstracts,
here's a style file one of my teachers constructed:
--------------------------(cut here)-------------------------------
% neuro-abs.sty -- April 1991
% For Neuroscience Meeting Abstracts
% Developed by Paolo Gaudiano, Boston University, gaudiano at
% This style option is designed to work with the article document
% style of LaTeX. Use
% \documentstyle[neuro-abs]{article}
% Set up the parameters for the size and location of text on the page.
% The parameters print the text within the blue box on the standard form.
\oddsidemargin 2.1in % Left margin = 3.0" (1" always added)
\textwidth 4.7in % Leave 0.1" on either side of blue line
\topmargin 2.85in % Distance from top
\headheight 0pt %
\headsep 0pt %
\textheight 4.65in
\footskip .2in % Distance from bottom of text to bottom of foot,
% which is where page number goes for preliminary
% pages. Hence number will be 0.6" from bottom.
% Scientific-style bibliography: no number, first line indented backwards
\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em}