rat hydroencephaly

Douglas Fitts dfitts at u.washington.edu
Mon Apr 25 21:35:08 EST 1994

Yes, a rat with a brain about 90% CSF.  He had an electrolytic lesion in
the ventral forebrain but showed no experimental effect of it.  He was
about 500 g when we perfused him and dissected out the brain to determine
the site of the lesion.  Obviously doing fine in the ingestive behavior
department.  The 'lesion' was obviously in mid-CSF, so I simply blocked
the brain through the colliculi and put him in a jar of formalin.  It's a
conversation piece since you can see all the major fiber pathways by
peeking inside.  In this case it was probably congenital instead of
induced because my stereotaxic surgery notes mentioned that leveling his
skull was about like leveling a golf ball....

Doug Fitts
Department of Psychology
University of WAshington

jtrst4 at vms.cis.pitt.edu writes:

>Has  anyone encountered rats with hydroencephaly?
>ie, a hollow cortex or very large lateral ventricles?

>Is this a congenital defect? I recently found a rat's brain
>to be very empty and was wondering what it could be from.
>John T. Robicheau
>Pharmacodynamic Research Center
>University of Pittsburgh
>Robich at DrugInfonet.Pharm-Epid.Pitt.Edu

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