Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience,bionet.general
Subject: Second BioMOO Neuroscience Journal Club
Organization: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
The second BioMOO Neuroscience Journal Club will be held on Wednesday May
4, 1994. 1200 EDT, 1700 GMT. It will be held in the BioMOO Seminar room.
The article to be presented will be:
Galileo, D.S., Majors, J., Horowitz, A.F., & Sanes, J.R.
Retrovirally Introduced Antisense Integrin RNA Inhibits Neuroblast
Migration In Vivo.
Neuron 9(6):1117-1131. December 1992
To get to BioMOO:
Telnet port=8888 (port # is critical!)
Once connected, log on as a guest (type: connect guest). You can then go
to the Seminar room by typing: @go seminar room. To speak to others in
the BioMOO merely type: say <text> or " <text>. (without the <>'s). In
the seminar room, you will need to type: request in order to be on the
speakers list.
BioMOO is a text-based virtual reality biologic scientific community
that has a diverse range of scientists as members. The BioMOO allows for
real time online discussion through the internet as well as for many
other functions (including programming).
If there are any questions, please contact David McKalip (Norm on BioMOO)
at :
dmmckali at
or at:
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Hope to see you there!