In article <2pgp68$i1n at>,
HARRY R. ERWIN <herwin at> wrote:
>thalamus. The thalamus appears to mediate the transmission of sensory
>data to the isocortex. I understand this tends to be multi-modal, and although
>olfactory data have already been processed by the OB/AON/OB and EC, the
>lack of sensory integration of olfactory data is curious, unless that's
>the function of the EC.
Olfactory related activity goes many other places in the brain, also there
is a lot more input to the EC than I have noted. Unfortunately (or maybe
fortunately ;-) ) I don't have the paper with me, so I can't tell you
where else it goes, but suffice to say it would cover a white board with
many, many color-coded lines.
>Second, the stellate cells are involved in
>inhibitory interactions between the local complexes of pyramidal cells.
Stellate cells in layers II and III of the EC are excitatory and project
to the dentate gyrus and ammon's horn of the hippocampus.
>were found in the isocortex. Layer 4 is the thalamic input layer in the
>isocortex. I assume the deep layer input from the thalamus that you
>mention hits layer 4.
I'm not sure, it may be layers V and VI, but even so the lamination is
not as clear as in the neocortex.
>correspond to the AON input to the OB (or might not...). Where does the
>output of the PC hit the EC?
all over, but the connections are more obvious the closer you go to
the PC. In addition, all these distributions vary by species, not
necessarily the existence of the connections, but the extent and
Leslie Kay
lmk2 at