Is "Junk" DNA Used to Provide Genetic Memory

Don B Cameron dcameron at mason1.gmu.edu
Thu Apr 21 18:02:50 EST 1994

Most Wise and Knowing Binary Coded creature.  I have a
question regarding the little understood workings of
"junk" DNA.  I read how scientists insert new DNA into 
genes and can get new functions to perform where
previously the function, such as making an enzyme,
did not exist.  They often insert this gene in a part 
of the DNA which is "junk".  I have a humble suggestion
as to what this "junk" DNA does, and seek your profound 
wisdom in whether or not is is a worthwhile theory.
I think junk DNA is where genetic memory is stored. 
The classic dogs spinning in circles (to mat down ancient
prarie grass) before lying down comes to mind.  The
complexity of DNA memory storage comes from the fact
that the proteins ADGT (?) which make up DNA are a 
base four system, not binary.  When a fetus is born
this "junk" DNA codes the brains for certain memories 
which become the genetic memory.  It may also account 
for flashbacks and prior lives and lots of other things
poorly understood.  Do you think DNA junk could be the
bit stream (Base Four) which gives us our knowledge at
>  The ORACLE replied (I threw out the original, but
   this is close):
You owe the Oracle one ton of transcriptase.
Do you folks have any more cleaver responses to my serious
 I asked the ORACLE at cs.indiana.edu for a response 

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