Dye for living muscle fibres

Donald Wigston meddjw at emoryu1.cc.emory.edu
Thu Apr 21 22:45:29 EST 1994

Iacob Mathiesen (iacob.mathiesen at basalmed.uio.no) wrote:
: Does anyone know about a dye which is possible to inject (with
: microelectrodes) into living muscle fibres without harming them to much. We
: want to keep the muscles in culture for 1-3 days after the injections are
: made. 

: Thank you for answering!

Any of the fluorescent dextrans should work (eg from Molecular Probes) if
you can live with them in your electrodes. We are getting very good
long-term labeling of cultured neurons with PKH26 (Sigma) but have not
tried microinjecting it. Dyes like fluorescein and its derivatives, and
Lucifer Yellow will leak out too fast. 

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