Rett (not Rhett) syndrome

Richard Schroeder hedgehog at riscsm.scripps.edu
Tue Apr 19 11:14:36 EST 1994

I am far from being an expert on Rett's syndrome, but it is distinct 
from Tourette's syndrome.  As I understand it, Rett's syndrome 
afflicts females exclusively.  One of the behavioral symptoms is an 
inability to maintain one's concentration on the immediate task at 
hand, so the conversation of a person with Rett's syndrome tends to 
have inappropriate pauses.  I did a quick literature search and I 
found the following review articles for those who may want more 
detailed (and probably more accurate) information about Rett's 

1. Braddock SR; Braddock BA; Graham JM Jr.
     Rett syndrome. An update and review for the primary pediatrician.
   Clinical Pediatrics, 1993 Oct, 32(10):613-26.
     ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  94085029)
     Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.

2. Kunze D; Rustow B.
     Pathobiochemical aspects of cytoskeleton components.
   European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry, 1993 Aug,
     ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  94032747)
     Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Academic.

3. Kozinetz CA; Skender ML; MacNaughton N; Almes MJ; Schultz RJ; Percy AK;
       Glaze DG.
     Epidemiology of Rett syndrome: a population-based registry.
   Pediatrics, 1993 Feb, 91(2):445-50.
     ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  93141310)

4. Vardi G; Galil A; Shorer Z; Porter B.
     [Rett syndrome].
   Harefuah, 1993 Jan 15, 124(2):78-81, 119.
     Language:  Hebrew.
     ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  93170736)
     Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.

5. Kerr AM.
     A review of the respiratory disorder in the Rett syndrome.
   Brain and Development, 1992 May, 14 Suppl:S43-5.
     ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  92328124)
     Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.

6. Rudenskaia GE; Skvortsov IA; Kovalenko GI.
     [Rett syndrome (review of the literature)].
   Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S. S. Korsakova, 1992,
     Language:  Russian.
     (UI:  92397613)
     Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.

7. Van Acker R.
     Rett syndrome: a review of current knowledge.
   Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1991 Dec, 21(4):381-406.
     ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  92138584)
     Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.

8. Perry A.
     Rett syndrome: a comprehensive review of the literature.
   American Journal of Mental Retardation, 1991 Nov, 96(3):275-90.
     ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  92096248)
     Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.

9. Arzimanoglou A.
     [Rett syndrome. A well defined but mysterious encephalopathy].
   Revue du Praticien, 1991 Sep 15, 41(20):1940-4.
     Language:  French.
     ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  92022254)
     Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.

10. McIntosh RP; Simatos D; Weston HJ; Stanley TV.
      Rett syndrome: case reports and review.
    New Zealand Medical Journal, 1990 Mar 28, 103(886):122-5.
      ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  90206478)
      Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.

11. Haenggeli CA; Moura-Serra J; DeLozier-Blanchet CD.
      Two sisters with Rett syndrome.
    Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1990 Mar, 20(1):129-38.
      ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  90216514)

12. Olsson B; Rett A.
      A review of the Rett syndrome with a theory of autism.
    Brain and Development, 1990, 12(1):11-5.
      ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  90261875)

13. Hanks SB.
      Motor disabilities in the Rett syndrome and physical therapy strategies.
    Brain and Development, 1990, 12(1):157-61.
      ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  90261885)

14. Henriksson L.
      Social care and medical aid.
    Brain and Development, 1990, 12(1):169-72.
      ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  90261889)

15. Burd L; Kemp R; Knull H; Loveless D.
      A review of the biochemical pathways studied and abnormalities reported
      in the Rett syndrome.
    Brain and Development, 1990, 12(4):444-8.
      ABSTRACT available.  (UI:  91052254)
      Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review Literature.

1. Braddock SR; Braddock BA; Graham JM Jr.
     Rett syndrome. An update and review for the primary pediatrician.
   Clinical Pediatrics, 1993 Oct, 32(10):613-26.
     (UI:  94085029)
     Pub type:  Journal Article; Review; Review, Tutorial.

Abstract: Rett syndrome is a common developmental-neurologic disorder that has
    been reported almost exclusively in females. Recent work has improved
    recognition of this condition and helped to clarify the management of this
    disorder for affected individuals. The primary-care physician can become a
    major source of support and advocacy for the family of a girl with Rett
    syndrome. Many other resources are available to the primary care giver and
    the families of children with Rett syndrome; these may help to provide
    early diagnosis, psychological support, and preventive medical care for
    these individuals. The current state of knowledge regarding Rett syndrome
    is reviewed and a framework is provided for medical and developmental

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