(Continued from previous message)
trans-former to stabilize electrical machine for accurate readouts?
Do EMG machines need to be "calibrated" to zero, or for sensitivity? If so,
how often is this done and how often normally required?
When a patient gets two extremely varying EMG reports from 2 different
Sites, how does a patient deal with this? What would you do to make
confirm correct "error free! (is there such a thing?) diagnosis is
finally made? .
Are there any "Excellent!" rated Medical Centers that offer
specialists in Cervical Spine degeneration corrective surgery?
Any specific answers helping toward solutions of my health
crisis would be appreciated. I share the above descriptions for the
betterment of All!
gottlieb at foodfarm.org
þ QMPro 1.51 þ 1912 - U.S. Income tax enacted to tax wealthiest 5%.
internet: gottlieb at foodfarm.org Networking Farmers/Ranchers with Focus on
fax: +1 (209) 529-8832 (USA) "improved" agricultural practices. Plus,
What is it, we don't know Co-op'ing involvements to reduce "Hunger"
and probably should? in the U.S.A./World.-- Danny Gottlieb