Russian medic needs your advice

Dmitry Bender db at izhmark.udmurtia.su
Mon Apr 18 05:23:26 EST 1994

Hello, folks,

My name is Dmitry Bender, I'm working at Mark ITT Communications Co, RUSSIA,
and do not touch medicine themes until any illness strikes my head :) , but -
a friend of mine - he's medical student, majored in neurosurgery, especially
neuroanesthesiology is in interest for him - has asked me to find out any
way to receive fresh information from world's leading edge of neurosurgery
and in particulary about the area of neuroanesthesiology, and what's more
in *PAPER* forms - some newsletters, compilations of articles, journals,
so on. The local Medical School he has been studying at doesn't have any
modern medical international journals AT ALL. Nothing. At all. Nor doesn't
have money to subscribe to any. So it's his own will to pay possible money
for valuable info. Are there any ways to get quite serious information for
free ?

Besides that general request he needs addresses of such journals as
INSULT STROKE and NEUROSURGERY, whom made a check payable to. E-mails
along with snail mail would be great indeed if ones exist in nature.

Any hints would be much in help, you know, Internet is so-o huge :(

Thank you in advance.

Dmitry Bender.........db at izhmark.udmurtia.su...........................
.............."Nothing is beautiful from every point of view"....Horace

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