BioMoo neuroscience journal club

David Mckalip dmmckali at gibbs.oit.unc.edu
Sat Apr 16 12:24:54 EST 1994

In article <65314 at sdcc12.ucsd.edu>,
Veda Larson <vlarson at jeeves.ucsd.edu> wrote:
>In article <leach-060494113308 at med-pharm5.bu.edu> leach at mbcrr.harvard.edu (Martin Leach) writes:
>>To date we have had several well-attended seminars/journal clubs. In fact,
>>last Wednesday we had a journal club regarding gene therapy and the CNS.
>>Approx. 30-35 people attend these and we hold this in our seminar room in
>>the BioLand.
>Is there a mailing list to distribute a schedule of BioMOO events?
>Veda Larson
>veda at ucsd.edu

Newsgroups: bionet.neuroscience
Subject: Re: BioMoo neuroscience journal club
References: <Cnsns9.M5D at anat.UMSMED.EDU> <Paul_Malloy-060494085212 at tonto-slip4.cis.brown.edu> <leach-060494113308 at med-pharm5.bu.edu> <65314 at sdcc12.ucsd.edu>
Organization: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Veda Larson <vlarson at jeeves.ucsd.edu> wrote:
>In article <leach-060494113308 at med-pharm5.bu.edu> leach at mbcrr.harvard.edu (Martin Leach) writes:
>>To date we have had several well-attended seminars/journal clubs. In fact,

>Is there a mailing list to distribute a schedule of BioMOO events?
>Veda Larson
>veda at ucsd.edu

At present no mailing list is available.  However, an ongoing project at the 
BioMOO will be addressing this issue soon.  For now it would be easiest to go to 
BioMOO and look at the "Public Bulletin Board" in the Central room.  When in the 
Central Room type: Look pbb.  Then type: Read <#> on Pbb.  The events are also 
written to the Announcements which notifies every person as they sign on what is 
coming up.  For the Announcements, type @read new on *announce.

Also, you can find out more by asking people who are logged  (Do the BioMOO 
tutorial for assistance in communicating).

BTW, The Second Neuroscience Journal Club is tenatively scheduled for the first 
week in May. More to come soon :-)!

David McKalip 
(Norm on BioMOO)

BioMOO:   Telnet Bioinformatics.Weizmann.ac.il Port 8888

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