Prion Disease

Martin Leach leach at mbcrr.harvard.edu
Thu Apr 14 00:26:29 EST 1994

In article <2oh0ip$1n9d at obelix.uni-muenster.de>, dylan at uni-muenster.de

> I need some informations concerning following keywords, PrP gene structure, species   barriers and conformational conversion.
> Thanks !

Try performing a literature search:

Numerous articles on prions by:

Stanley Pruisner
Carlton Gadjusek (typo?) - Nobel laureate
Ian Patterson (lots of scrapie stuff)
some guy Craigh Lazenby??? working at mit on conformation

BTW the hexapeptide repeat prohisglyglygly(somethingelse) in the prion
is very similar to the region in beta-amyloid proglyglygly......... which
is thought to be involved in plaque formation.
Also a protein named ARIA - isolated by G.Fischbach (typo?) has a high
amino acid sequence similarity with prion proteins.

Martin Leach


.....          Martin Leach                Email:leach at mbcrr.harvard.edu 
   _|____      Dept. of Pharmacology       Phone: (617) 638-5323        
   / o  /      Boston Univ. School of Med. Fax:   (617) 638-4329         
 _/  |-/__==/  80 E. Concord St. (L603)
(BULLDOZER) \_ Boston MA 02118            "Not the old underpants on your
               USA                           head.....WIBBLE" -BLACKADDER 
p.s. try BioMOO (virtual biology on the internet - telnet
bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il 8888)

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