WSA Professional Conference

Mark Williams williams at CRL.UCSD.EDU
Thu Apr 14 17:00:44 EST 1994

                            PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE

  Sixth National/International Conference of the Williams Syndrome Association

             Building Bridges Across Disciplines: Cognition to Gene

            University of California, San Diego     July 26-28, 1994

Williams syndrome is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder involving
characteristic facial appearance and heart defect, and displaying startling
dissociations between and within domains of higher cognitive functioning. 
Recent breakthroughs focusing on Williams syndrome in Medical Genetics
(implicating chromosome 7), Cognitive Neuropsychology, and Brain Mapping make
this an  opportune time to disseminate the new knowledge and its implications.
CEU credit applied for; CME credit available.
The following is a partial listing of the exciting program and speakers.

Tuesday evening, July 26:     Welcoming Remarks:  Renato Dulbecco, M.D.,
                                                         Nobel Laureate
                              Overview, Poster Sessions, & Reception

Wednesday & Thursday, July 27-28:
 o  The Enigma of Williams Syndrome: Dissociations in Higher Cognitive Functions
    (Ursula Bellugi, Ed.D., The Salk Institute; Carolyn Mervis, Ph.D.,
    Emory University; Annette Karmiloff-Smith, Ph.D., MRC, London;
    Susan Carey, Ph.D., MIT)

 o  New Methods of Brain Imaging:  The Neural Basis of Williams Syndrome 
    (Helen Neville, Ph.D., UCSD; Terry Jernigan, Ph.D., UCSD;
    Albert Galaburda, M.D., Harvard; Eric Courchesne, Ph.D., UCSD)

 o  The Molecular-Genetic Basis of Williams Syndrome 
    (Colleen Morris, M.D., University of Nevada; Mark Keating, M.D.,
    University of Utah; Frank Greenberg, M.D., Texas ChildrenUs Hospital
    Robert Mecham, Ph.D., Washington University)

 o  Medical Complications, Latest Diagnostic Techniques & Treatments  
    (Greg Ensing, M.D., Indiana University; Ronald Lacro, M.D.,
    Boston ChildrenUs Hospital; Barbara Pober, M.D., Yale University)

 o  Unusual Personality and Temperament in Williams Syndrome  
    (Paul Ekman, Ph.D., Langley Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute;
    Judy Reilly, Ph.D., San Diego State University)

 o  Educators, Clinicians, & Researchers:  Multi-Disciplinary Care

 o  Poster Sessions,, Round Tables, and Special Interest Groups

     The Conference is hosted jointly by the Williams Syndrome Association,
  The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and the University of California
                        School of Medicine at San Diego.

To receive a registration packet, send full identifying information: Name,
Institution and Department, Complete Address, Zip Code, and Phone Number to:

                     WSA Professional Conference
                     UCSD Conference Services
                     9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0513
                     La Jolla, CA 92093-0513
                     Phone: (619) 534-4220
                     Fax: (619) 534-2042

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