Lymnaea, Helix, Aplysia...

Brooke Paul bpaul at tatum.bio.uci.edu
Thu Apr 14 16:07:59 EST 1994

	I am interested in corresponding with anyone that works with 
snails, or other such animals.  In particular, I am interested 
in discussing in the maintainence of long term colonies.
	Among the techniques I am using are: voltage clamp, patch
clamp, fluorescent imaging, electrophoresis, laser confocal microscopy,
and in-vitro reconstruction. 
	Please reply by email bpaul at darwin.bio.uci.edu

Brooke Paul                                       | bpaul at darwin
Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology |         .bio
UCI-Dept. of Psychobiology                        |         .uci
Irvine, Ca.  92717-4330                           |         .edu

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