Need Research: Effects of Cocaine/Dendrite Growth HELP PLEASE!!!

Bart O McCoy bomcco01 at engr.uky.edu
Mon Apr 11 19:54:17 EST 1994

To anyone who can help:

	My fiancee has done some research at University of Iowa on the 
effects of cocaine on neuronal dendrite growth in rat brains.  She's
very interested in comparing her statistical results to the results of
others who may have done similar research.  If you know of any research that 
has been done that relates to (or might have a small relation to) this study,
it would really be a big help.  So far, it's been extremely difficult to
track down any previous research on this topic.  Even if you know of any
studies on any affects which cocaine may have on the brain, it would be
a big help.  Thanks so much!!

PS:  You may reply to me at:  bomcco01 at a.ecc.engr.uky.edu    
  or better yet, you could reply 
  directly to her at:

		              gearhartk at ac.central.edu
     Again, thanks for any contributions!!!


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