Syndrome Question

Matt Gudorf Matt.Gudorf%bbs at dmapub.dma.org
Tue Apr 5 17:40:48 EST 1994

I need some help I'm posting this looking for some answers to just what is 
Cephalopolycynductly Syndrome
One of my students was diagnosed with this and we have looked everywhere but
can find no clue as to what it is.
The parents speak no english so we are in the dark.
You have my permission to forward this wherever it may be needed to answer
the question.

Thank You
Matt Gudorf

Matt.Gudorf%bbs at dmapub.dma.org
Matt Gudorf, user of the UniBoard System @ dmapub.dma.org
E-Mail: Matt.Gudorf%bbs at dmapub.dma.org
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