BioMoo neuroscience journal club

Martin Leach leach at mbcrr.harvard.edu
Wed Apr 6 06:33:08 EST 1994

> I am a recent reader of this newsgroup; please pardon me if this is a FAQ.
> What is BioMoo and how can I find it/access it on the net? Thanks in
> advance.
> -- 
> Paul Malloy, Ph.D.
> Director of Neuropsychology
> Butler Hospital
> 345 Blackstone Blvd.
> Providence, RI 02906
> Internet: Paul_Malloy at brown.edu

Dear Paul,

BioMOO is a networked virtual environment. Simply it is a place where u can
telnet to and communicate with other scientists.

It is physically based in the Weizmann institute in Israel. Scientists from
all over the globe telnet here and discuss science with other scientists.
To date we have had several well-attended seminars/journal clubs. In fact,
last Wednesday we had a journal club regarding gene therapy and the CNS.
Approx. 30-35 people attend these and we hold this in our seminar room in
the BioLand.

Furthermore, we hope BioMOO will be a teaching tool/source for various
facilities. There is so much to tell about this new place. (est. in Jan)

The best way to find out is to go there.

To get there type:

telnet bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il 8888 (note the 8888 is necessary)

if this does not work then try

telnet bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il /port=8888

then follow on screen instructions. Once connected you can read the purpose
and tutuorial of BioMOO for more info.

Any qus. or probs. then feel free to email me 

Martin Leach

.....          Martin Leach                Email:leach at mbcrr.harvard.edu 
   _|____      Dept. of Pharmacology       Phone: (617) 638-5323        
   / o  /      Boston Univ. School of Med. Fax:   (617) 638-4329         
 _/  |-/__==/  80 E. Concord St. (L603)
(BULLDOZER) \_ Boston MA 02118            "Not the old underpants on your
               USA                           head.....WIBBLE" -BLACKADDER  

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